
2 Times Ronaldo’s Son Met With Lionel Messi His Idol, And What Happened

The biggest rivalry in football history can be claimed to be between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Even though they are rivals, they maintain a friendly relationship and their children admire them. On two separate occasions, Cristiano Ronaldo’s first son met with Lionel Messi, and this is what allegedly transpired.

1) In 2015

In 2015, Ronaldo Junior was still a child, but he already recognized and admired Lionel Messi. During an interview, his grandmother described what happened when he first saw Lionel Messi in 2015. When Messi stepped in, she was carrying him in her laps. Ronaldo then motioned for his son to look towards Messi. His son didn’t believe him since Messi was too short, according to him. After that, Ronaldo led him to see Messi, and he was awestruck. His father went on to win his third Ballon d’Or.

2) In 2017

In 2017, the ballon d’or award was held in London. Cristiano Ronaldo, who had won the honor the previous year, returned with his son. He also brought him back to see Lionel Messi. He was a little more mature this time, so he struck up a conversation with Messi. He declared Messi to be his idol. From where he later went to sit, he could be seen glancing at Messi, who was laughing with his pal Neymar. Messi is Cristiano’s son’s idol…..See More

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