
Check Out 5 Things Most Ladies Loves In A Man But Will Never Tell Him

Dear men just as you like a lady and love many good things about her, that is how a lady also likes a man and loves many things about him. One major problem ladies have is that they are too shy and will never tell you some things they like about you, but when you get too close to a lady, she might open up her feelings for you and things she loves about you.

As a man, and you haven’t discovered some things a woman loves about you, then just relax and grab your popcorn because I am going to reveal some things a lady loves about men and will never tell them.

1. They Love Intelligent Men

It’s very important for a man to be well-educated and intelligent, it can help you in different ways in life.

But do you know ladies love men who are intelligent and well-educated? A lady prefers to be with a man who is intelligent because they feel that those kind of men are well-responsible and dependable.

2. They Love Hardworking Men



It’s very good and advisable for a man to be hardworking. Ladies love men that are hardworking because they feel such men can meet their needs, take good care of them and help them when they face financial problems.

3. Ladies Love Men That Are Very Neat


Ladies love men who arranged themselves in a tidy way, men who always appear very neat all the time.

To be sincere, there are some men out there, as mature as they are, they still look very dirty and don’t even take good care of themselves. There is this saying that “cleanliness is next to godliness”, so it is advisable for men to always keep themselves neat because ladies love to be with neat men.

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4. Ladies Love Men That Are Very Funny

It is very good for one to be happy and laugh all the time. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Ladies always like to be with men who are very funny. They prefer funny guys to those once who always feel too serious all the time.

5. Ladies Love Tall And Dark-Skin Men



I have done some research and realized that most ladies love men that are tall and have dark skin. I have asked several ladies around me about the kind of men they love most, but their reply was they love tall and dark-skin men and prefer to be with them…….See More

Dear Ladies, Here Are 9 Questions You Need To Ask A Guy Before Accepting Him Into Your Life

Originally posted 2024-05-15 04:19:35.


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