
For Ladies: Why You Shouldn’t Use Tissue To Wipe Yourself After Urinating

Using a tissue to go to the bathroom might cause discomfort or irritation in some women. Still, ladies, please remember to wipe or wash your hands after you urinate.

Women should keep up with regular hygiene routines to keep infections and irritations away from their private parts.

This is because the skin in such areas is especially vulnerable.

So, after using the bathroom, women should be careful about the hygiene products they use.

If you’re a woman looking for an alternative to tissue paper after using the restroom, here are two options to consider.

Some women don’t bother to wipe their privates or clean up after themselves after using the restroom.

Defining the reasons why some people may feel ill after using tissue paper

This happens due to a misread swipe.

One should start wiping themselves off with tissues from the front, rather than the back, after using the restroom.

If you use it backwards, bacteria can move from the rectum to the sensitive female genital area. This makes it more likely that you will get an infection.

Several women have said that using tissue paper made them feel pain, discomfort, burning, and stinging. This made them worry that they might have been exposed to germs or viruses.

As a result, you should make use of:

1. Clean water after urination.

Clean water washing is a part of good hygiene practices.

If you’re in a bind and don’t have access to running water, even tissues might not get you totally clean. The use of tissues might cause irritation and itching in certain people.

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2. Clean towel.

It’s always nice to have a fresh towel.

You should use a clean towel to dry off when you’ve finished washing up.

If you don’t wash up frequently, you may start to feel uneasy or smell bad.

What I’ve shown you is that there are many more uses for it than just cleaning up urine spills….See More 

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Originally posted 2024-05-03 22:11:26.


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