
Check Out 5 Celebrities Who Had Babies Under Age 20 (See Photos)

According to research the average age of a first-time mom is 27 years old. Here are some celebrities who had kids before the age of 20

1. Clarion chukwura

This talented and beautiful actress was impregnated by Sir Shina Peters many years ago at the age of 18 while in the university. She had her baby boy who is now an award-winning music video director.

2. Genevieve Nnaji

The beautiful Nollywood actress had her daughter at the age of 17 when she was in secondary school. She kept her daughter under her mother’s care so she could hustle and pursue her acting career.

3. Sofia Vergara

The famous actress married her high school sweetheart at the age of 18. They had their son at ages 20 and 19. Manolo, their son is now a professional model

4. Britney Spears

She announced that she was just 17 years old when she had her daughter, Maddie Briann Aldridge in 2008. Then Britney become a pop music star and sold lots of albums

5. LeBron James

The basketball star was just 19 years of age when he fathered his first child with his wife, Savannah Brinson. His son Lebron James Jr. was born in 2004 which is a year after the marriage of his parents…..CHECK MORE

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Originally posted 2024-04-24 12:55:34.

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