
Top 3 Mistakes African Women Make With Their Hair

Ladies, your hair is your crown and therefore you need to protect it because that is your natural roots. It’s nice to rock a weave, wigs or braids now and again but you still need to be proud of your roots.

So be cautious of these top three mistakes we make on a monthly basis that leads to hair damage, stunted roots and bad hairline.

If you take good care of your hair, it will take good care of you too.

Here Are The Top 3 Mistakes African Women Make With Their Hair:

 1- Too Tight

A lot of times when weaves or braids are attached to the hair they are worn on too tight. This is a big no-no! TIght braids or weaves can lead to inflammation and ultimately an infection on your scalp caused by the accumulation of dirt which leads to hair loss.

 2- Heat Too High

It may seem like nothing to you but intense heat on your hair can leave it brittle and prone to hairfall. So try to heat your hair as few times as possible.

3- Every Month Relaxer

If you relax your hair monthly, I need your full attention. A relaxer product is extremely heavy on your hair and doing it twice in a short span, can really affect the overall texture of your hair. Every-month Relaxer leaves the hair weak, brittle and prone to damage. It can burn the skin and cause permanent damage to the scalp that may lead to hair loss….See_More

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