This Is The True Meaning Of 666
The beast’s designated number
See “Number of the Beast” (disambiguation) and “666” for other applications of this number or (numbers).
This page is about redirecting from “Mark of the Beast.” See the Mark of the Beast for its additional applications (disambiguation).
In the Book of Revelation, chapter 13, verse 18, the phrase “the number of the beast” (The Greek: o, Arithmos tou Thriou) is mentioned in connection with the Beast of Revelation. Papyrus 115, which is the oldest preserved manuscript of the Revelation as of 2017, as well as other ancient sources like Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, give the number of the beast as or (transliteration in Arabic numerals as 616) not 666; [2] Papyrus 115, which is the oldest preserved manuscript of the Revelation as of 2017, is the oldest preserved manuscript of the New Testament. In most English translations of the Bible, the number of the beast.[4]….See_More