
Stop Asking God For Children, Babies Don’t Come From Heaven, Because God Doesn’t Give Children – Pastor Abel Damina

Pastor Abel Damina sparked a lively debate with his bold statement: “Stop asking God for children. Babies don’t come from heaven. God doesn’t give children.” While some may have been taken aback by his words, they hold a profound truth that challenges our conventional thinking.

For centuries, people have prayed to God for children, believing that they are a divine gift. However, Pastor Damina’s assertion forces us to reexamine our assumptions. He argues that babies are not bestowed upon us by God, but rather are the result of human intimacy and biology.

This perspective is not a dismissal of God’s role in creation, but rather a call to acknowledge the natural processes that bring new life into the world. By recognizing that children are a product of human connection and biology, we take ownership of our reproductive choices and health.

Pastor Damina’s message encourages us to appreciate the beauty of human intimacy and the importance of supporting families and communities. It’s a reminder that our bodies and relationships have a vital role in creating and nurturing life.

This unconventional wisdom invites us to explore the intersections of faith, science, and human experience. By embracing a more holistic understanding of life’s origins, we can foster a deeper appreciation for the complexities of creation……See_More

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