
Some People Are Selling Spare Parts All Over Nigeria And Nobody Is Restricting Them -Adamu Aliero

A Senator representing Kebbi Central, Senator Adamu Aliero speaking about the plan to restrict Herders’ movement from one state to another has alleged that the people who are engaged in the sale of spare parts across Nigeria have never been restricted.

He argued that any attempt to restrict the herders’ movement with their cattle would violate their freedom and disrupt their livelihood. He also stated that imposing limitations on these business activities would infringe upon the fundamental right to free movement, which is vital for economic operations.

He said in an interview with Arise TV, ”It’s not only ranching that we are talking about here. We are talking about business generally. Some people are selling spare parts all over Nigeria and nobody is restricting them. They move from one place to another, if you impose restrictions on them, then you’re acting against the freedom of the movement of people.

(Start Watching The Video From Minute 13:59)

We are talking about Pastoralists who are herders, they have to go with their cows because that is their merchandise. You cannot separate the herders from their cows when you are talking about freedom of movement. Any attempt to separate them will not be possible. To establish ranches, it is left to either the state government or the individuals. Even the state government cannot handle it very well, it is better handled by individuals…..See More 

Herders: ‘If You Go To A Place Like Abia, The Governor Has Control Over The Land’ -Sen Adamu Aliero

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