
Protest: With Profound Respect, You’re Wrong, Adams Oshiomole Tackles Journalist

Former Governor of Edo State, Adams Oshiomhole, had a heated exchange with Arise News journalist, Ayo, over the demands of protesters in Nigeria. Oshiomhole disagreed with Ayo’s assertion that the protesters were seeking regime change, emphasizing that their concerns were centered around hunger, cost of living crisis, and insecurity.

Ayo had stated that the protesters’ demands were not about regime change, but rather about addressing the pressing issues of hunger and economic hardship. However, Oshiomhole countered that the protesters’ demands were not entirely accurate, using the analogy of birds dancing on the highway to suggest that there were underlying forces driving the protests.

Oshiomhole also referenced his experiences as NLC President and Governor of Edo State, highlighting the efforts made by previous administrations to address economic challenges. He defended the current government’s actions, including the provision of palliatives to state governments, as a necessary response to the economic crisis.

“I don’t always agree with your views. That’s what makes democracy rich and robust. We have the right to defer. Your Evaluation with due respect, with profound respect is wrong. As the Yorubas, my part of the Country, Edo People will say and I think Abiola of blessed memory popularized this. When you see some birds dancing on the highway, the drummers are not far from the bush, without those drummers, those birds will not dance. It’s not about whether there’s hunger, if the President acknowledged it, who are you and I to deny it.


To Listen To What Ayo Said Watch Video From 9:58.

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“That’s not the issue, The people use what everybody can feel. Why do think the President gave State Government 570 billion to do quick win palliative? In my days, I don’t know how many times Obasanjo went to buy Rice to distribute to Nigerians. When I was the NLC President, He said go to farm, which is the legitimate thing to do but this government realizing the pains has had to resort to short term” He said…..See_More


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