
Boko Haram Questioned Why I Stayed Behind When Everyone Else Left Dikua – Victim [Video]

In a video recently shared by NTA, Halima Falmata, a woman from Dikua in Borno State, explained why she chose to stay in her community after everyone else fled when Boko Haram attacked and captured it

Falmata said after Boko Haram captured her community, they questioned her why she chose to stay while everyone else had left. She said she told them that those who fled did so to escape suffering, but they still faced difficulties as internally displaced persons (IDPs). She said preferred to face the difficulties in her own home rather than leave and suffer elsewhere as an internally displaced person.

Watch the video from 1:52

In Falmata’s words: “They (Boko Haram) were all over the town when they saw I was the only one remaining, some of them wielding arms then came to me asking why I was still staying in the town. My answer to them was that all those who fled did so to escape from suffering but did that insulate them from the untold hardships they endured for a long period of time? I prefer to endure the hardship in my matrimonial home than to flee and suffer it as an IDP……See_More

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