
Aliyu Gebi: Saudi Arabia Flags Are Often Waved During Religious Protests In The North

A National Coordinator of Security Governance Initiative, Aliyu Gebi has alleged that in religious protests in the North, it is common to see the Saudi Arabian flag due to its religious significance. He expressed his astonishment at seeing a protest in which a foreign entity’s flag was flown.

He emphasized the severity of displaying another nation’s flag on one’s sovereign territory, particularly in the context observed during the protest. He explained that while international establishments like hotels and schools may display various flags, doing so in a protest context is unprecedented and problematic. He firmly declared that this action, particularly when it involves calling for a military takeover, must not be tolerated

He said in an interview with Arise TV, ”This is the first time I’m seeing a protest where another foreign entity flag is being flown. When there are religious protests in the North, you would see Saudi Arabia flag being waved. And that is the max of it because if the inscription on it. Everyone is aware of what it means to wave another country’s flag on your sovereign state especially within the context that it was seen. If you have international hotels and international schools, you can fly all the flags.

(Start Watching The Video From Minute 0:53)

But to take it to a protest and calling for military takeover, this is the first time and this must not be condoned. And also all the people carrying the flags that I have seen through the scrutiny of all the videos available, these are people below the ages of 25. They have no idea what the concept of military rule is all about. Our democracy is 25 years old, so any teenager or 20 year old that takes a flag to say we want the military to come back, that is certainly not the person speaking……See_More


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