
The Whole Of Sambisa Alone Is More Than Some European Countries As A Whole’ -Gen Christopher Musa

The Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa speaking about the formidable challenge posed by Nigeria’s vast landmass has highlighted the immense size of Sambisa Forest, comparing it to some European countries.

He noted that Niger State alone comprises nearly 10% of Nigeria’s total land area, emphasizing the significant geographical obstacles in maintaining effective control and oversight. He pointed out that the longstanding neglect of these vast forests has created opportunities for exploitation by criminal elements.

He said in an interview with Channels TV, ”We have a population of over 200 million and a land mass of over 200,000, it’s not easy. The whole of Sambisa alone is more than some European Countries as a whole. Niger state takes almost 10% of Nigeria’s landmass and overtime we left the forest empty.

(Start Watching The Video From Minute 5:04)

The border management has not been too good and these are areas where these guys took advantage of and they have been using. Good governance does a lot in mobilizing the citizens to understand that this is my country and I’m ready to die for my country…..See More

We Take Out Over 600 Bandit And Terrorists Every Week But Over 2000 Join Them Again-Christopher Musa

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