2 Signs You Are Under Witchcraft Attack
1. Confusion: Being involved in witchcraft will cause you to question the existence of God, as well as yourself, your friends, and your leaders. When witchcraft is in play, it might be difficult to make rational decisions. It’s possible that you could misplace your keys, pass on a crucial appointment, or even forget what the Bible says. When overwhelming perplexity takes over your thoughts, you can be assured that whatever it is that is plaguing you is not from God. God, on the other hand, is the one who created peace rather than confusion.
2. Difficulty concentrating: When the witchcraft strikes, it may feel as though your mind is all scrambled up like an egg. You struggle to keep your concentration on the duties that are now being performed. Your mind seems to be going a million miles per hour. To put it another way, you are unable to keep your attention on the task at hand or concentrate on what you are reading or listening to. It is not always easy to tell the difference between the devil and God’s voice. We are required to adhere to 1 Peter 5:8. Be on the lookout for potential threats at all times since your enemy, the devil, roams the earth like a roaring lion searching for someone to devour…..See_More